Thursday, July 30, 2009
Diabetes type II and irritability
Your diabetes can really affect your resistance to everyday stress and can make you sensitive to everything, just as if you were hearing very high pitch noises like a dog.
Although there are no easy solutions, i would suggest you first put your priorities straight. If you are involved in a high stress career which is simply eating you alive, i would suggest you search for some other way of earning a living or just lower your work hours a bit. The reasoning behind this is that you will need your family support and love more than the mighty dollar to get you through this life and stay sane. You might have stored away in the back of your mind and heart projects, maybe it is time that you get to them and enjoy accomplishing them.
Forgive, forgive, forgive... Make sure that nothing stays with you, no aggravations, no grievances, no anger.
As far as a diet : focus on berries, bean sprout, brocoli, alot of fibers from many sources, from wheat bran to peas, from apple to beans. soluble or insoluble. Do not be shy to test your blood sugar at odd times of the day to see how stress influences your sugar levels. Please take tea not coffee, avoid smoking and alcohol. Avoid cookies, reduce starchy food intake(potato,bananas). Eliminating fatty foods as proven to increase the entry of sugar inside our cell which gives us energy. Get your proteins mostly from peas and beans.
Take a walk , feel in your lungs with fresh air, feel alive, feel the moment.
May your day count, for you and the ones who love you.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Diabetes type II and Depression
90 to 95% of all diabetics have Diabetes type II. 7.8 % of the U.S population has diabetes. So don't feel alone!!
Several studies show that diabetic patients had already predisposition for depression and lived periods of depression post diagnostic.
A way to heal from this illness of the mind, is to understand that our actions have more effects than we think and that even though we do not have a full grab and/or control on the whole scheme of things we can improve our lives by doing the right things.
We are not aware of this but we conceive in our head lots of puzzles that we build piece by piece about every aspects of life; and we believe, through some rationalization process, that these schemes are the foundation of our lives and the reason that motivate our every step. We have to be able to blow these concepts of "how our life should be" easily so that we do not feel unbalanced when sometimes life throws us a curve have to love yourself plainly for the value of the life that has been given to you ...not for the concepts your ego comes up with.
Take the steps to evolve the best you can within this new life with diabetes. There are many testimonies of people getting rid of their diabetes, through a change of lifestyle.
Anxiety is probably a major factor that influences the blood sugar level, which can make you feel sluggish and irritable. It causes sleep disorder and a feeling of ineptitude and fear in taking action . External sources of anxiety can be: $$$ , divorce, work, family, health...learning to live every circumstance without focusing on the circumstances but on focusing on GOD, is the main shift to be done. You will not loose your energy, your love and your sanity if you do so. Learn to not configured your life around external or internal pressures and expectations that do not match with an healthy and pure life.
Forgive yourself as you will forgive others, give yourself time to implement a discipline in your everyday life that will decrease blood sugar levels and avoid major complications that comes with diabetes type II. Learn to focus on great dreams and cherish moment with the ones you love.
May God bless you,
Friday, July 24, 2009
How to stop Smoking
Many scientists and psychologists have come up with methods on how to stop smoking. The products Chantix and Zyban , that are used by smokers to help them quit the habit, have been proven to cause suicidal thoughts while using them and got the FDA "black box" warning.The quitting cold turkey method occasions severe physical withdrawal syndrome. The substitution method that invite you to go for a run when a need for a cigarette comes up, has a few obvious flaws.
Multiple tests have been done concerning smoking and memory. In the simplest expression smokers memory blow up in smoke. This will be an obstacle, but a rewarding challenge, in my method of how to stop smoking.
There is no doubt that smoking is linked to an oral fixation which is the most primitive, basic instinct in us all. I would like for you, smokers, to try to remember in most accurate details the first time you had a cigarette. I am aware of the difficulties of the task, but it is worth it you will see.
- Try to remember the location of this event. school? party? in a car? at a bar? at home? on the street?
- Try to remember how you got that cigarette. a friend? a girlfriend? a stranger? a brother? a sister? a convenience store clerk?
- Try to remember what happened before that day. were you stressed after a test? did you leave your girlfriend or boyfriend? did you get in a fight with someone (a friend or family member)? or did you get a good news? in which state of mind were you? what feelings were going through you?
- What hooked you? Or did you get hooked right away or later? do you have any idea why?
Smoking causes 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and 80% for women. It is known as the main cause for emphysema, a fatal lung disease
Remember, how fragile life is and how strong is your addiction, oral addiction. Learn to remember and to see how little and weak this habit is compare to your own growth and maturation. The more you will remember the smaller the black dot will be in the pages of your life.
Have a good day, be free, break the chain