Friday, July 24, 2009

How to stop Smoking

Many scientists and psychologists have come up with methods on how to stop smoking. The products Chantix and Zyban , that are used by smokers to help them quit the habit, have been proven to cause suicidal thoughts while using them and got the FDA "black box" warning.The quitting cold turkey method occasions severe physical withdrawal syndrome. The substitution method that invite you to go for a run when a need for a cigarette comes up, has a few obvious flaws.

Multiple tests have been done concerning smoking and memory. In the simplest expression smokers memory blow up in smoke. This will be an obstacle, but a rewarding challenge, in my method of how to stop smoking.

There is no doubt that smoking is linked to an oral fixation which is the most primitive, basic instinct in us all. I would like for you, smokers, to try to remember in most accurate details the first time you had a cigarette. I am aware of the difficulties of the task, but it is worth it you will see.

  • Try to remember the location of this event. school? party? in a car? at a bar? at home? on the street?

  • Try to remember how you got that cigarette. a friend? a girlfriend? a stranger? a brother? a sister? a convenience store clerk?

  • Try to remember what happened before that day. were you stressed after a test? did you leave your girlfriend or boyfriend? did you get in a fight with someone (a friend or family member)? or did you get a good news? in which state of mind were you? what feelings were going through you?

  • What hooked you? Or did you get hooked right away or later? do you have any idea why?

    Smoking causes 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and 80% for women. It is known as the main cause for emphysema, a fatal lung disease

    Remember, how fragile life is and how strong is your addiction, oral addiction. Learn to remember and to see how little and weak this habit is compare to your own growth and maturation. The more you will remember the smaller the black dot will be in the pages of your life.

    Have a good day, be free, break the chain

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