Sunday, May 22, 2011

Prophets and Narcissism

People seem to always want to find answers in other people. They want quick answers to their problems, they need to be reassured, they need to follow someone who seems to have all the answers. In this world were everything is about image, were we seem to zap from one style to another, from one relation to the other, from one goal to the other; it is hard to understand that the One who has to guide your life is invisible and needs your complete attention and for you to lean on Him only for answers. Many passage of the Bible tell us not to trust men, tell us about false prophets. The Bible is complete and cannot be reinvented for a certain prophets purpose. Accept its wisdom and see it as a finish work by our Holy God.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect solution to the rampant narcissism that is the cancer of our society. He lived a sinless life, filled with love, selflessness, obedience to his Father that ended with the greatest sacrifice humanity will ever see : the absolution of our sins through his own death on the cross. The most amazing gift of all was given to us : eternal life.

Narcissistic people need to live by and for an image. An image has two dimensions, which explains why narcissist people do not have any insights or deepness of thought. It is the opposite of love. The Lord and the Holy Spirit can change you and show you what love really is.

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