Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health care or Health not care reform?

I am not one who comments or complains. I am french Canadian by birth and through my wife I adopted the United states for my homeland. I got to know and love the Americans. I think they have a spirit and a certain youth about them that is attractive. The Health Care reform proposal that is out there scares me and it really should scare you too.

As I previously said I am from Canada, more precisely from Montreal, Quebec. We live under the control of the government as far as our health care. We pay more taxes than Americans do, to pay for this single payer health care system which everybody complains about in Quebec. They complained so much about delays and lack of service, that they created private clinic where pay full price for any treatment that they receive in quick manner. It is called the 2 speed medical system. I don't know about you, but i do not have $25,000.00 to pay upfront for a surgery. See since everybody is under the government plan, there not many insurance company that covers health issues, even under employers. Hard to find private insurance coverage have unaffordable premiums.

On a personal note my mother died of Cancer in Quebec in 2004 at the age of 69. She was a really energetic person that would have probably outlived us all. After paying all her life into this government health care she was not important enough to get the needed surgery to save her life. We are not talking about delays like some politicians seem to only point out, we are talking about not being able to get services.

See when the government has this kind of control they can make decision in terms of function not in terms of real value.

Family doctors in Quebec are imposed quotas. It means that after a certain numbers of patients seen they do not get paid. They are paid way less than American doctors. They see you for a few second and throw you out of their office after you waited 8 hours to get in.

Many leaders and political party's had ideological reforms. Many did not think of the consequences.

This present version health care Reform is the best of what will be if it ever passes through the senate. Restrictions and cuts in services will be added on and on in the future to the disservice of American people and their quality of life.

There way better solution to the health care issues than to throw it away.

Quebec's population in approximately 7.5 million. The population of the USA is around 300 million. Both population have similar median income. The American government will not be able to offer any service of quality to its people, it is a mathematical impossibility.

I hope this might have given you some food for thoughts. Remember we live in a democracy, get your local representatives contacts information and express your opinion.

Live with the Constitution and the Bible in your heart, Their light will show you the way.

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